- Season 01

The class was handed homework. It's now time to stand up and present their assignments, some do well and other have not done anything. Here we drive the message home that people must work hard to get ahead and others just have excuses. We also share information as to the Actuarial profession.

BK and Kagiso are sent to detention for not doing their homework. BK and Kagiso express what many youth think that things come easy and that they will receive handouts. The Magic Board gives them insight into the fact that often people do not see the hard work that is put in to achieve something but rather only see the rewards. This gives Kagiso a new appreciation for how hard his father has worked to give him the opportunities he has and the need for him to work harder.

BK and Kagiso learn about insurance the hard way. In this episode, key elements of insurance are shared in a funny way showing why Thabani and Jerry as so interested in working in the insurance industry. This episode not only highlights the importance of insurance but also reminds the viewer about the insurance industry as a sector to consider when starting their careers.

People with goals succeed because they know where they are going. Set your SMART goals and start achieving in life. In this episode we educate the viewers on what SMART goals are and how to set them. This is important to ensure that the viewer sets goals for themselves as it will assist not only in achieving in their studies but also in the work environment.

The class go on a school trip. In this episode the Managing Director of an Insurance Company explains what she does at work and takes the viewer through her career progression from Call Centre to MD office. In this episode we highlight the careers of a call centre agent, claims department and financial advisors. The video also highlights to the viewer that career progression takes time, consistency, and hard work to move up the corporate ladder.

The class go on a school trip. In this episode the Marketing Officer shows us how cool his job is. In this episode we highlight that there are many career options in the Insurance Industry with Marketing being one of them especially for the viewers that are more creative than analytical. The viewers can start to see that the insurance industry is not only about suits and office work but a lot more than that.

The class go on a school trip. In this episode the Finance Manager talks about what it takes to be a Chartered Accountant. We also highlight the fact that students can do their articles at insurance companies that offer articles and keeps the theme that many different careers can be found within the insurance sector.

The class go on a school trip. In this episode Mkhulu shares his penny secrets with a Financial Planner. In this episode we are doing two things, one we are highlighting the job of a financial planner and two we are highlighting the importance of planning your finances and obtaining the services of a professional financial planner to assist.

The class go on a school trip. In this episode we discover the job of an Actuary as well as bring an element of technology. As Thabani is one of the main characters of the show and from the beginning of the series has indicated that he wanted to be an Actuary, this is an important episode for the viewers that want to see him succeed. This episode highlights the Actuarial Profession and the process of qualification for this profession.

The class discovers what interests them the most. Are their personalities and values important in career choices. In this video we tackle one of the areas that the viewers struggle with the most when dealing with career choices and that’s what careers best suit them. Many viewers don’t make the best career choice and end up dropping out because they do not fully understand who they are and that their career choices should be an extension of them and not just about the money.
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