Season 1
Midrand Fire

Victims of the fire that claimed a life when a building was ravaged by fire in Midrand are still waiting for answers, months after the disaster. They had to resort to legal intervention to force the building managers or owners to take responsibility or engage them for a way forward.


Young awards winning twin sisters from Hammanskraal innovate goggles x-ray to challenge existing x-rays in our hospitals.

Thobela FM Gospel Festival

Thobela FM hosts Gospel Festival which has grown to be a flagship event of the province. This annual event has become a platform to bring people together in the spirit of prayer, while a great opportunity for entrepreneurs and contributing immensely to the overall economic prosperity of Limpopo. 2024 festival featured numerous gospel big shots and attracted guests from government and private sector.

Arrested Scammer

Women defrauded in romance scams not only lose their investments, but it can also lead to severe emotional and psychological distress. Some of the women might be ashamed or afraid that the scammers may leak their secrets including naked pictures. This emerged in a recent case where a suspect was arrested for fraud and money laundering after her account was used to receive half a million rands in a love scam.

Mogalakwena Municipality

Mogalakwena Municipality continues to challenge the court ruling regarding the appointment of the municipal manager. A whistleblower raised a flag about alleged rampant corruption in Mogalakwena Municipality and its impact on service delivery. Residents of Mogalakwena struggle with poor services, especially with the supply of water and maintenance of roads and street lights, among other challenges.


The current socio-economic status of the country hurts a lot of citizens. A lot of unemployed citizens are struggling with basic necessities like paying for good healthcare services. Rural communities are the most affected and marginalised. On this show, we focus on an initiative called ROLA PELO which literally means relieve your heart. Nthabiseng Ngoepe is the founder and joins us in the studio for a very insightful discussion.

National Transport Month

October is a transport national transport month. It is considered prudent because it emphasizes the importance of being alert, making the right decisions when travelling to prevent accidents, and ensuring that you arrive safely at your destination. Our guest is RTMC spokesperson Simon Zwane.

Love Scams on the rise in South Africa

A former public servant in the North West Province has been robbed of her pension fund payout in an elaborate love fraud that involved witchcraft and religion. The woman was left penniless after her Kenyan boyfriend tricked her into taking out multiple loans and also convinced her to resign from her permanent post. 

Basotho Bicentennial

Lesotho and Basotho people commemorate 200 years since King Moshoeshoe I founded the Basotho nation in 1824.

Deaf Awareness

September is Deaf Awareness Month and our story looks into the challenges that deaf people are still faced with. We ask if the pronouncement of sign language as the 12th official language has brought about any changes. Deaf people say a number of public places like clinics and police stations still don't provide sign language interpreters. Our case study is a successful deaf young man who is doing at WITS. We also profile the Centre for the Deaf at WITS to create awareness and inform deaf people who might be interested in furthering their studies. Pan South African Language Board played an important role in advancing sign language. They talk to us about the work they do. We also provide ways in which South Africans can learn sign language online and at institutions that offer basic sign language courses.


Abductions and killings of young men divides communities in the North West Province about initiation schools.


Leihlo La Sechaba dives deep into the consolidated report on local government audit outcomes latest presented by the Auditor General. Exposing critical insights into local government spending, financial management and corruption. The show examines the outcomes as reflected in the report. We get comments from SALGA and find out what municipalities cite as challenges leading to poor financial management. And comment from an independent analyst to give the report a holistic view from an ordinary citizen's perspective to that of an expert. We get comments from SALGA and find out what municipalities cite as challenges leading to poor financial management. And comment from an independent analyst to give the report a holistic view from an ordinary citizen's perspective to that of an expert.

2 pot retirement system

Leihlo La Sechaba explores the 2 pot retirement system. Explaining how it balances accessibility and long-term savings. The show breaks down what retirees can expect from when the system kicks in and how they can manage funds between different pots. Providing viewers with crucial insight to optimize their retirement planning and financial stability.

Crime Statistics

Numbeo Crime Index by city shows that some of the cities with harrowing crime rates are in South Africa. Indicating a nation grappling with some of the highest crime rates in the world. We explore the socio-economic factors fuelling criminal activity in the country and possible solutions South Africa needs to implement in effort to put crime under control.

Crafting for Profit

Women in the handicraft industry are calling on the government to develop the sector, including training them on microfinance and how to patent their products. The women crafters believe that such interventions can help their products compete and sell in the global market. If fully developed, the sector can also be a vehicle for job creation, knowledge sharing, poverty reduction, and rural economic growth.

Invasive Plant Fuels Community Enterprise

The community of Ga-Kibi took advantage of an invasive plant prevalent in their area to establish an entrepreneurial development programme. A project that started with an idea of land care led to de-bushing and from the wood cut down, village-based SMMEs use it to produce charcoal. Resulting in a triple gain of removal of invasive plants, increasing pastures and production of charcoal.

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