Abayeni ababili bacele iNkantolo yoMthethosisekelo yaseNingizimu Afrika ukuthi isenze sibe semthethweni isinqumo esasenziwe yiNkantolo eNkulu yaseBloemfontein ngonyaka odlule ngoba befuna ukusebenzisa izibongo zamakhosikazi abo. Last week, the ConCourt heard their arguments saying that parts of the Births and Deaths Registration Act are unconstitutional. Njengamanje, umthetho waseNingizimu Afrika awuwavumeli amadoda ukuthi athathe izibongo zamakhosikazi awo ngemumva komshado.NgoSepthemba odlule, iNkantolo eNkulu yaseFree State eBloemfontein, yathola ukuthi iSigaba 26(1)(a) kuya ku-(c) soMthetho, kanye nomthethonqubo 18(2)(a) sicwasa amadoda afuna ukushintsha izibongo uma eseshadile.Namhlanje ku Asikhulume/Let's talk sibuza ukuthi ngabe imithetho yomshado eNingizimu Afrika iyababandlulula abantu besilisa na?

Every day residents wake up and power lines are stolen, robots don't work, potholes, hot water pipes, the field is full of roads. The impact of this lack of demand, the closure of businesses has led to job losses, reduced visitor and revenue in this area, and investors are increasingly investing where there are problems with infrastructure. The overall impact of this is reflected in an economy that does not grow. On this show we sit down with Nombulelo Nyathela: Infrastructure South Africa| Chief Director: External Relations and Communications as well as Owen Nkomo: Investment Manager, Director Inkunzi Wealth Group.

Izisebenzi zezempilo kuleli zibhekene nengwadla yokuhlaselwa zisemsebenzini nokuyinto esithanda ukuba insakavukela umchilo wesidwaba. From the shocking robbery at Chiawelo Clinic in Soweto, where armed criminals disguised as the Gauteng crime prevention wardens assaulted and robbed staff, kuya ekuthunjweni nokudlwengulwa kwabahlengikazi ababili eLimpopo, imitholampilo yethu isiphenduka izizinda zempi esikhundleni sokuba izindawo zokwelapha.In this episode we are asiking: is enough being done to protect our frontline workers?

There are 60.4 million people living in South Africa. About 8.7 percent of South Africans, or 8 million people, were believed to be HIV positive as of 2024. This includes an estimated 16.7% of HIV-positive people between the ages of 15 and 49. Less than 5.9 million South Africans living with HIV were receiving treatment in 2023. Donald Trump, the president of the United States, has said that organizations, including the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), were notified that they needed to immediately stop all activities for ninety days. In this episode, we talk about the effects of the United States cutting off funding on this show, not only for patients but also for people who work in those affected medical fields. Guests: Asiphe Funda -Attorney in the Health Rights Programme-Section 27 and Zanele Sabela-COSATU National Spokesperson

Agriculture is the backbone of many African economies and offers many employment opportunities for the youth. With South Africa's extensive coastline spanning two oceans and its numerous dams, lakes, rivers and streams, South Africa is a recreational fisher's paradise. On this show, we discuss how we can encourage young people to consider fishing as a career choice and those already involved in fishing to increase their participation in the economic mainstream? What is the government doing to encourage more young people to go into fishing sustainably? We also look at the issue of licences and permits for small-scale fishers.

As South Africa faces a number of skills shortages due to many young people not knowing which channels to go through after dropping out from school, Asikhulume raises awareness about TVET colleges. We speak to Dr George Mothapo, Principal of Sedibeng TVET College as well as students Vuyo Bholo and Samantha Davids.

International Human Rights Day is observed every year globally on the 10th of December, commemorating the Universal Declaration of human rights, with emphasis on fundamental rights and freedoms for all human beings irrespective of race, gender, nationality, religion or language status. The day also marks the end of 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence (GBV). SABC's Asikhulume /Let’s talk marked the day with a special broadcast in collaboration with Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and United Nations South Africa
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